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Malbolge20 / highlevel
MIT LicenseA compiler of C-like language that produces Pseudo-Instruction sequences (C風言語から制御付き疑似命令列へのコンパイラ)
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Malbolge20 / ternary
MIT LicenseA compiler for Pseudo-Instruction sequences into Low-Level-Assembling langage (制御付き疑似命令列から低級アセンブリ言語へのコンパイラ)
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Malbolge20 / lowass
MIT LicenseA compiler for low-level assembly language into Malbolge20 (低級アセンブリ言語からMalbolge20へのコンパイラ)
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combsql / combsqlplus
MIT LicenseCombSQL+: a solver for combnatorial optimization problems described in SQL based language
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A project to implement crisys2, a new tool for rewriting induction over LCTRSs
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combsql / pysmt-old
Apache License 2.0For combsql+, PB is added combsql/pysmt 's branch optimization + pb
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Masahiko Sakai / show-pdf-slides
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Kenji Hashimoto / GPMC
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Kenji Hashimoto / GPMC-mc
MIT LicenseUpdated -